stojo story

We’re three busy dads. Coffee fuels our lives. On any given weekday, we’ll have a cup before the kids wake up, another for the morning commute, and grab one or two more at work. Counting weekends, that’s almost 1,000 cups of coffee a year for each of us!

As New Yorkers, we work and live on the go. We seldom drive, which means having to carry everything with us that we need for the day. When you’re battling morning rush hour on the subway, biking to work, or pushing a stroller around, adding a bulky travel mug to the equation just isn’t an option. Unfortunately, like most people, we often end up choosing the convenience of a disposable cup over doing the right thing for the planet.

While on a coffee break near work the three of us began talking about the disposable cups in our hands and how Americans toss 58 billion disposable cups annually. Aware that we were contributing directly to that staggering number, we decided to do something about it.

Excited about our idea, we got to work. Three years after that initial brainstorming session, the Stojo Pocket Cup was born. It was the world’s first ultra-portable, leak-proof reusable cup.


small change, major impact

We’re on a mission to end disposable culture.. Americans toss an estimated 58 billion disposable cups annually. If everyone in the US used a Stojo, we could:

Save those disposable cups to construct a tower to the moon 22 times over

Power over 53,000 homes a year with the energy saved

Save over 2 million trees a year and breathe a little easier